The Clueless

  FTC 11212



2023-2024 — Center Stage

Houston World Championship

•  Franklin Inspire Award

•  Franklin Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected

•  Championship Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected

San Diego Regional Championship

•  Connect Award 3rd Place

•  Control Award 3rd Place

•  Inspire Award 3rd Place

•  Think Award

•  Winning Alliance - Captain

•  World Record Score

San Diego Tao & Lovelace Interleague Championship

•  Connect Award 3rd Place

•  Control Award 2nd Place

•  Design Award 3rd Place

•  Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected

•  Inspire Award

•  Think Award 2nd Place

2022-2023Power Play

San Diego Regional Championship

•  Compass Award 3rd Place

•  Connect Award

•  Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected

San Diego Turing League Championship

•  Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place

•  Design Award 2nd Place

•  Inspire Award

•  Motivate Award 2nd Place

•  Think Award 2nd Place

2021-2022Freight Frenzy

Houston World Championship

•  Jemison Inspire Award 

•  Jemison Winning Alliance - Captain

•  Championship Finalist Alliance - Captain

San Diego Regional Championship

•  Compass Award

•  Control Award 

•  Innovate Award

•  Think Award

•  Winning Alliance - Captain

•  World Record Score

San Diego Gauss League Championship

•  Connect Award 2nd Place

•  Control Award

•  Innovate Award

•  Inspire Award

•  Motivate Award 2nd Place

•  Winning Alliance - Captain

2020-2021Ultimate Goal

San Diego Regional Championship

•  Innovate Award 2nd Place

•  Control Award

•  Design Award 3rd Place

•  Inspire Award

San Diego Ptolemy Qualifier

•  Connect Award 3rd Place

•  Design Award 3rd Place

•  Inspire Award


San Diego Regional Championship

•  Compass Award

•  Connect Award 3rd Place

 Arizona Championship

•  Winning Alliance - Captain

 San DiegoTuring League Championship

•  Inspire Award

•  Winning Alliance - Captain

 Centerstage Robot "Rush" 

Featuring an over-center drop down intake, countersprung linear slides, and a double claw powered by a single servo, our Centerstage robot won the Houston World Championship and scored the Seasonal World Record score of 416 points! 

Power Play Robot "Sora"

Our power play robot combined a 360 degree turret with both vertical and horizontal sets of linear slides to deposit cones onto nearby junctions from anywhere on the field

Freight Frenzy Robot "Backhoe"

Our freight frenzy robot utilized a dual surgical tubing intake, a 7-stage, 6-ft linear slide depositing system mounted on a turret, and a spring-loaded carousel spinner on a linear slide extension, scoring the seasonal world record and finalling at the Houston World Championship

Ultimate Goal Robot "Owl"

Our Ultimate Goal robot featured a 6 wheel drive with driftless localization, a double sided intake, an auto-aiming turreted shooter, and a wobble goal claw on a turret, allowing for a 137 point autonomous and up to 36 high goal rings in teleop.

Skystone Robot "Dinosaur"

Our skystone robot had an active compliant wheel intake to suck in the stones and then lifted them using a 2 sets of linear slides

